Friday, October 15, 2010

An Introduction

It has been suggested –more like strongly urged- to me that I create a blog.  This pretty much an order has been impressed upon me by my manager and all around encourager.
You see, I am a poet/photographer with a website that my encourager in all things created for me to help promote my work.  It is she who has been urging me under threat of constant badgering that I write a blog.  And so I did.  But because of the subject matter of my photography it is an adults only blog and she wants me to write one that is open to all.  So, I created this blog site and she is now pleading with me to fill it with something.  Anything.
I think this is a great idea and greatly appreciate her efforts –she built the website after all- but I know nothing about blogs and/or blogging.  So, here I am writing by the seat of my pants without a net.  I don’t know if this is anything but it is something.
I don’t see this blog as having any consistent content.  I see it as being a series of random musings, and thoughts.  The subjects will often change, as will the style, but the person writing them will not.  I don’t know how the reader will take to the random subject matter but it will make the blog more interesting and fun for the blogger to write it.  And hopefully it will be fun for the reader who will get a variety of subjects to read about.
I tend to be a first amendment absolutist.  I will not deliberately set out to offend anyone but nor will I shy away from my opinions merely because someone out there may not like it and/or disagree with it.  Anyone who believes their ideas are worth listening to needs to allow others the same courtesy otherwise they have as little right to speak as they give others.
This post isn’t much to write home about.  It’s just a vague introduction.  But it’s a start.

1 comment:

  1. "So, here I am writing by the seat of my pants without a net."

    But you're writing ON the net *grins*
